Rules for writing a business letter
A business letter must be written correctly, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. The presence of obvious and gross errors repels the recipient, creates the impression of short-sightedness, illiteracy. The likelihood of partnership after receiving such texts drops sharply.
Before compiling a business letter, you need to decide on its type (notice, offer, invitation, etc.). Break the text into paragraphs, this will facilitate the perception of the information presented. hire professional academic writers to help you make the right plan and write a finished letter. If the message must be received before a certain date, it is better to send it by express delivery services or by e-mail.
The basic rules for business writing are as follows:
- reliability of information in the content;
- completeness of the content;
- summary (preferably no more than 1 page, the rest of the information can be included in the appendix);
- lack of rudeness, neutral tone;
- no blots, corrections, strikethroughs;
- the use of slang and vernacular is unacceptable;
- word abbreviations are undesirable;
- The rules of business writing establish the absence of ornate and ambiguous phrases.
One message should have one theme, one goal. The presence of several topics is permissible only if they are interconnected. Otherwise, several letters are sent. No emotional evaluation (only facts). You can read full text for more details.
The text must be formatted and compiled in accordance with generally accepted rules. Each organization has its own form, which also serves as a business card. To send letters by mail, it is preferable to write the text on a printed form. In practice, organizations most often print them themselves on a color printer.
Drafting a business letter
Before writing a business letter, you need to know the requirements for the structure, style and design. The impression of a well-written document can be spoiled by just one flaw. Writing a business letter requires knowledge of all its details that will be entered.
Structure of a business letter
The drafting of a business letter is based on many points in this document. This rule regulates the main details of letters and their sequence. It should be noted that the order of details and their location are advisory in nature. Therefore, the structure of a business letter often differs from organization to organization. This is not a violation.
The document header area consists of two parts. In the upper left corner or in the middle of the sheet is a stamp, which indicates:
- Name of the organization;
- mailing address;
- identification number;
- Contact details;
- Bank details;
- e-mail;
- date and number of the letter;
- mark of receipt.
The name of the organization, the position of the recipient in the genitive case, his full name are indicated in the upper right corner.
Below is the heading (what the document or its view is about). The name of the document (notice, notification, etc.) is indicated here.
The next step is the introduction. May begin with the words "Dear". Here the appeal should be by name, patronymic, for example, "Dear ...!". In a letter to the ministers of the church, the appeal should be according to the rank. Here you need to be extremely careful, and clarify the exact wording.
The next element of the document is the text itself, which must contain the following structure:
- introductory part (reason, purpose, reason for writing);
- the main part (solutions, proposals, essence, recommendations);
final part (request, proposal, etc. arising from the main part);
- politeness formula (the phrases "with respect", "with the hope of long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation", "with the hope of understanding", etc.);
- the position of the head and his signature;
- indication of applications (if any);
- Full name of the responsible executor with contact details.
The seal must be placed on letters of guarantee, offers and complaints. In commercial, on the contrary, it is not recommended. The seal should not occupy more than 2/3 of the official's painting. If suddenly you still have any questions, you can read full text.