This dark nebula is located in Cygnus about one-fourth the distance from Sadr (gamma Cygni) to the Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888). It is a dark Bok globule. Unable to find a name for it, I christened it "The Dementor Nebula" because it reminded me of those dark, tattered, veil-like creatures in the Harry Potter films and it was published under that name in the August, 2019 issue of Astronomy magazine.
Image data:
Telescope/mount: Celestron Compustar C14 with Starizona LF focal reducer/corrector (f/7.5)
Camera: SBIG STL 11000 with Baader Planetarium Ha, R, G, and B filters.
SBIG AO-L Adaptive Optics @ 8 Hz
Location: Pommier Observatory, Portland, OR, USA
Dates: 2017-07-13 through 2017-07-16
Exposures: Ha:R:G:B = 540:70:60:70 12 hours 20 minutes total exposure
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