M92 is an excellent standout globular cluster in its own right in Hercules, but is often overlooked because of the proximity of its showpiece neighbor, M13. Note the dark globule that looks like a question mark without the dot at the 3 o'clock position near the edge of the cluster. The galaxy to the right of the cluster is MCG+07-35-058,
Acquisition data:
Telescope/mount: Celestron Compustar C14 with Astro Physics 0.75x reducer (f/8.3)
Camera: SBIG STL 11000 with Baader Planetarium LRGB filters.
Dates: 2013-06-29 through 2013-07-01.
Location: Pommier Observatory, Portland, OR, USA
Exposures: L:R:G:B =410:50:50:50 = 9 hours 20 minutes total exposure.
Website: rodpommier.com