The Soul Nebula (IC 1848) is also commonly known as the Fetus or Embryo Nebula. It lies 6,500 light years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia and spans 100 light years.
Optics: Telescop Service 10in. f/5 Newtonian
Mount: iOptron CEM60
Guiding: QHY 5L II-M on 60mm guide scope
Camera: ST8300 w/Astronomic 12nm Ha filter
Exposures: 26 @ 7.5 min. for each of two frames (3.25 hrs. each)
Processing: Images were focused, acquired, aligned, and combined in CCDSoft. The two frames were aligned in RegiStar. The mosaic was constructed and adjusted in Photoshop. Topaz Detail and DeNoise were applied.