The planetary nebula Messier 27 is found in the constellation Vulpecula, which was discovered in 1764 by Charles Messier. The nebula is approximately 815 light-years away. The outer Oxygen envelope was captured using an O[III] filter. The image is a total of 12 hr exposure taken through three different telescopes: 12.5 inch f/9 RCOS astrograph with a SBIG STF8300c CCD camera (Paramount ME); Astro-Physics 178 f/9 with a SBIG STF8300c CCD camera (Astro-Physics 1200); and a Takahashi CCA-250 f/5 with an QSI683wsg CCD camera (Astrodon 3nm O[III] filter) on the nights of 14, 15, 16, 17 Sept 2015; 15 June 2016; 16, 17, 23 Oct 2017 in Mayhill, NM (13 x 1200 sec Lights at -20 deg C; 24 Darks, 128 Bias; 128 flats). Calibrated, Registered, Integrated, and Processed in PixInsight Ripley (x64).