NGC 2903 is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Leo. It is quite bright and not far from galaxies M65 and M66, so it's hard to imagine how Charles Messier could have missed it and not put it in his famous catalog.
Image Data:
Telescope/Mount: Celestron Compustar C14 with Astro Physics 0.75x focal reducer (f/8.3).
Camera: SBIG STL 11000M with Baader Planetarium L,R,G,B filters.
SBIG AO-L Adaptive Optics a 7.0 Hz.
Location: Pommier Observatory, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Dates: 2016-03-31 through 2016-04-02.
Exposures: LRGB=330:80:80:80 minutes=9 hours 30 minutes total exposure.
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