IC 405 (also known as the Flaming Star Nebula, SH 2-229, or Caldwell 31) is an emission/reflection nebula in the constellation Auriga, The nebula measures approximately 37.0' x 19.0', and lies about 1,500 light-years away. It is believed that the proper motion of the central star can be traced back to the Orion's Belt area. The nebula is about 5 light-years across.surrounding the bluish star AE Aurigae. It shines at magnitude +6.0.
This image has captured from Negev desert Israel, LRGB filters took between the dates 13-14/11/2015, HA filter took on 04/12/2015
L= 23X480sec, ISO-1600
R= 12X480sec, ISO-1600
G= 9X480sec, ISO-1600
B= 7X600sec, ISO-1600
HA= 8X900sec, ISO-1600
Total subs= 8,40h
Calibration frames (dark,bias, flat) were added to each filter.
S- TMB130ss f/7 Apo
C- Canon 450D Luis Campos monomod with TEC system
M- Losmandy G11 GII
F- Baader LRGBHa 36mm
Stack images- MaximDL5
Post process- PS-CS6
Note that, temp on sensor were 0* C` for all subs and calibration frames.