Messier 27, which was discovered in 1764 by Charles Messier, is a bright planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula. The nebulosity is due to the expulsion of a star's outer layers in the later stages of its life and is illuminated by the stars intense radiation (blue star in the center of the nebula). Image was taken in Mayhill, NM on the nights of 14, 15, 16, 17 September 2015; total of 5 hrs 40 min exposure through an Astro-Physics 178 mm f/9 refractor with field flattener and an SBIG STF8300c camera with OAG (ST-i) on an Astro-Physics 1200 mount (17 x 20 min lights dithered @ -15o C; 33 darks; 128 bias; 128 flats); image acquisition with MaxIm DL 6.10 and processed with PixInsight Processing included Bayer drizzle, a Synthetic Luminance, and Multiscale Processing.