This is a field of three galaxies in Draco, the aptly named Draco Trio. There are three galaxy types and shapes here: NGC 5982 is the face-on spiral to the right; NGC 5982 is the elliptical galaxy in the center; and NGC 5981 is the edge-on spiral galaxy to the left. Although not formally classed as a galaxy group, these three are all at the same approximate distance from Earth, 100M-150M light-years, and are likely related. Numerous other, more distant galaxies are also in the field. This image was captured with a 12.5" PlaneWave telescope and a Quantum-Scientific QSI-640ws camera at f/5.2. It is an LRGB composite representing about 7 hours of total exposure, taken from a rural site near Anza, CA.
Bruce Waddington