Scope: AstroTech AT65EDQ
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G with GoTo
Guiding: Meade DSI Pro and PHD Guiding
Guide Scope: ATM 60mm f/4.1 Achromat
Camera: Canon EOS 1000D (Modified)
Special Settings: None
ISO: 800
Exposure: 36 x 300 (3 hours) seconds left side, 24 x 300 (2 hours) right side
Processing Software: Acquired in Nebulosity, Calibration and Stacking of each panel in PixInsight, Mosaic combine in PixInsight, Levels/Curves/Enhancements in PixInsight & Photoshop CS5
Support Files: 20 darks, 20 flats, 20 bias