I attach an astrophoto de SH2 162 , exposicions with narrowband filters.S-H-O moon 100%
Corbera de Llobregat . Can Margarit Observatory. Date:10-08-2014 23 HL.
Telescope: Richtey Chretien Truss 250 mm a f:6
Mount: 10 MICRON GM 2000 .
Cámera: Apogee alta F 8300 temperatura chip -30 grad
S-II as R.
H-alpha as G.
O-III as B
H-alpha:6x1.200 seg bin 1.O-III:5x1.200 seg bin 1.S-II:5x1.200 seg+ bin 1
Calibrated with darks-flats- .:
Programs CCDStack2+Photoshop CS6.