IC 1805 and Melotte 15 is an emission nebula with star cluster in the center of
the Heart nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia about 7,500 light years
from Earth.
Imaged from Ocala, Florida through Ha, OIII and SII filters. The shape of the
nebulous region (IC 1805) is caused by stellar winds and radiation from super
hot young stars of Melotte 15.
20 minute exposures combined to a total of:
3 hours Ha (binned 1x1)
2 hours and 20 min OIII (binned 1x1)
2 hours and 20 min SII (binned 1x1)
Processed in Photoshop using Hubble palette
Imaging telescope: Astro-Tech 8" Ritchey-Chrétien
Imaging camera: QSI 683 wsg-8
Losmandy G-11 with Gemini II German equatorial mount