IC 4603 is part of the colourful Rho Ophiuchus Nebula Complex and is framed in the center of the image. The bluish clouds are formed by interstellar dust shining because the light reflected by the stars. The yellowish nebula comes out of the material ejected by giant star Antares which is not in the image, but its reflection can be seen in the left side. At the right it can be seen the incipient shapes of the Rho Ophiuchus nebula complex IC 4604. Dense dust clouds are opaque to visible light and can completely hide background stars.
The image was taken with a 92 mm TMB f5.5 refractor and a QSI WS 583 riding in a SW NEQ6 from Mendoza Argentina. Total exposure time: 3 hours through LRGB Baader filters. More info at www.baskies.com.ar