The Dark Doodad and NGC 4372 in Musca

on Sunday, June 3, 2012

Deep in the Southern Constellation of Musca (the Fly) we find magnitude 7.2 Globular Cluster NGC 4372. The Globular is blurred by cold gas and dust particles of interstellar material coming from the Dark Nebula known as Dark Doodad Nebula. This type of Dark Nebula does not irradiate any energy. It obscures the light coming from the stellar background covering a relative size of almost 3 degrees from north to south direction.

The nebula can be seen with binoculars from dark locations although it takes some practice to the eye and mind to note its contrast. 

The image was taken with a WO 66 refractor working at f4,8 and a QSI 583 WS camera riding in a NEQ6 mount from a dark location in Argentinean Pampas. Total exposure time 210 minutes through LRGB filters

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