Local: Caxias do Sul / Brazil
H-alpha: Telescope Coronado PST doublestacked. Eyepiece: Celestrom X-Cel 18mm. Stack 25 pictures. Local time: 09h11m to 09h15m. Camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS1, ISO 200, 1/30.
Visible: Telescope Celestrom XLT150, refractor. Eyepiece: Celestrom X-Cel 18 mm plus Baader Continnum filter. Solar filter: Celestrom. Camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS1, ISO 200, 1/160. Local time: 09h31min. Local time: 09h31min,
Original pictures black and white. Color and contrast Photoshop CS4. Stack RegiStax5 and Photoshop C4.
Marcos L Rockenbach