by Jean B.
Jupiter was back with clear skies.
Seeing conditions were above average and I took great care to adjust collimation (huge difference) and for polar alignment. This picture is the result of superimposition of two images with different sets of parameters on AmCap. One to make the newtonian moons visible (from left to right: Ganymede, Io and Europa) and the other obtain details of Jupiter.
-August 20th, 2011; approx 2:30 AM local time (7:30 GMT)
-from home backyard in Montreal, Canada;
-130mm (f900mm) newtonian;
-EQ3 tripod and motor drive;
-NexImage Planetary Imager + 2X and 3X barlow;
-No filters;
-AmCap software for AVI capture;
-Registax 5 for stacking: two 60 sec AVI (approx 1000 frames);
-Photoshop CS3