NGC281 (Pacman). 20min X 8 for both OIII and Ha and applied the HA over everything as Lum, the OIII was very weak in this target, there was just enough to add a bit of something to the center area. NGC281 is virtually all Red in RGB images anyway; but, this is certianly adds a different false colour take on it.
Something Odd went down with the colour because at one stage during processing it turned into this.
Orion MN190 with QHY9 Mono, guided with SSAG on EON72 mounted on EQ6 (EQMOD), Captured and stacked in Maxim, Data cleanup in PixInsight, final processing in CS5. Captured In Red Deer Alberta Aug 13th,2011.
Sky conditions: Full Moon, Heavy Light Pollution, Thin clouds + Ground Fog, Shotting mostly through the zenith which remained mostly clear with very low transparency.
I am acutally impressed this worked out concidering.