by Eric Africa
Hi all,
This is my first light image taken from the dark skies at Rancho Hidalgo. The Integrated Flux Nebula, that big cloud of gas and dust above the Milky Way's plane and illuminated by the combined light of the galaxy, is plainly visible in this rendition, a testament to the darkness of the skies in the area.
Takahashi TOA-130F with Takahashi Flattener
SBIG STL-6303 with 8-position filter wheel
Astro-Physics AP1200GTO mount
Remotely acquired at Rancho Hidalgo.
L: 63 x 10 minutes binned 1x1
R: 15 x 10 miuntes binned 1x1
G: 15 x 10 miuntes binned 1x1
B: 15 x 10 miuntes binned 1x1
18 hours total