The double cluster, taken on Nov. 27, 2010. After taking photos of comet Hartley, the moon was about to rise, but we noticed that the double cluster was high in the sky. We were able to take (21) 60-Second exposures before the moon rose, and this was the result. Grace, Forrest, and Emily Maxwell all helped take this photo (some of my children), at the Caldera Rim Observatory at 8300 ft. elevation.
This photo was taken with a Meade 8" F/4 Schmidt Newtonian, a Baader coma corrector, and a cooled Canon 400D DSLR at 13 deg. F., on a Losmandy G-11 mount. Autoguided using a 5" refractor with 6x barlow and Orion Starshoot CCD. Processed in Nebulosity and Photofiltre, and dark frames applied.