Rosette Nebula NGC 2237 from my suburban backyard in Summerville, South Carolina on 12/28-29/2011.
Also known as Caldwell 49. The Rosette is an emission nebula. The open star cluster NGC 2244 is also associated with the Rosette Nebula.
I used a QSI 532ws-M1 camera with a TeleVue .8 FR on a William Optics ZenithStar 80mm ED II APO piggybacked on a 10" Meade LX200GPS SCT. 20 x 5 minute subframes using an Astronomik 13nm Ha filter were captured with MaxIm DL, registration and stacking with CCD Stack2, and post processing with PS CS4. Autoguiding with a Meade DSI Pro through the 10" SCT.