Local: Caxias do Sul / Brazil
Local time: 07h45min
Scenery: Camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH20, ISO 80, 1/500.
Venus and Mercury: Telescope Celestron NexStar SE6, Camera Meade LPI plus barlow 2x. Venus: stack 04 pictures ( every picture stack, at least, 50 frames by software Meade LPI ), local time 05h32min to 05h38min. Mercury: stack 12 pictures ( every pictures stack, at least, 50 frames by software Meade LPI ), local time 06h11min to 06h36min. Mixed and enhancement Photoshop CS4.
Sun: Telescope Coronado PST doublestacked. Eyepiece Celestron S-CEl 18 mm. Camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS1, ISO 200, 1/30 sec. Stack 10 pictures. Original pictures in black and white, colouur, mixed and enhancement Photoshop CS4. Local time: 09h16min to 09h20min.