Local: Caxias do Sul / Brazil
Local time: H-alpha: 09h50 / 09h35 / 08h00 / 07h58 - Visible: 10h10 / 09h51 / 08h06 / 08h03
H-alpha: telescope Coronado PST plus SolarMax40mm. Eyepiece: Coronado Cemax 18 mm. Every pictured mixed and stack 15 or 20 pictures ( original black and white: mixed and colour Phtososhop CS4 plus RegisStax5)
Visible: telescope Orion XT10, Solar Filter Kendrick Astro Instrum. Eyepiece Celestron E-Lux 25 mm and Coronado Cemax 18 mm. Baader Solar Continuum filter.
Camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS1: H-alpha: ISO 200, 1/40, 1/60 - Visible: ISO 200, !/250, 1/125, 1/60.