by Sergio Eguivar
Some time ago I started looking for the closest position of the Moon and Venus. The problem was that both objects were about to meet too low in the East horizon in the morning of Sept the 11th 2010, I found that my kids school sport camp, has a nice place where I could see the event from a relative high place.
The morning had several clouds and it was really hard to find the Moon, The sky was foggy at 15 degrees of altitude. But after two hours of seaching the Moon apeared on the eyespiece. I set the camera and got this nice pair separated by only 50 arc minutes.
The image was taken in Buenos Aires suburbs 20 km away to the North, I used a Canon 20 Da and a TMB 92 SSL in a EQ6 mount. The picture was taken at 13.10 UT more information at
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