by Jean-Christophe Meriaux, San Bruno, CA
Jupiter with 7" Orion Mak Cassegrain,
The camera I use has no IR filter (DMK B&W),
I used the Astronomik IR pro 742 filter – it lets the light pass above 742nm and blocks the light below 742nm. I was able to verify, as explained on the astronomik site, that the seeing is much better in the infrared – even if the turbulence is quite high when Jupiter is low on the horizon.
However two factors are reducing the overall resolution
a) At 742nm the resolution of the instrument is lower than at 500nm …by 50% – given the longer wavelength..
b) Worse, the integration time has to be raised at 1/4 sec. so the longer exposure time does not allow to take shots so easily in a “low turbulence” window.
In the same conditions I am getting a better resolution with LRGB imaging,
Still, I found this technique quite interesting – as providing better quality pictures in a bad seeing environment, and highlighting different features compared to the visible light.
More information on my blog