by Craig and Tammy Temple
The Lagoon Nebula (M8, NGC6523, Sh2-25, LBN25) is a huge emission nebula (HII region) in the constellation Sagittarius. It was discovered in 1747 by Guillaume Le Gentil. At a distance of approximately 4,000 - 6,000 light-years, and a size of nearly 90 x 40 arc minutes, it is visible to the unaided eye from fairly dark skies. Scattered throughout the nebula are several dark Bok Globules. The most prominent ones were cataloged by E. E. Barnard as B88, B89 and B296. Visible to the lower right in this image is reflection nebula IC4678 and the open cluster in the right-side of the nebula is NGC6530.
Telescope: Astro Tech AT8IN 8” f/4 Newtonian
Accessories: Baader MPCC
Mount: Orion Atlas EQ-G controlled by EQMOD
Guiding: TS-OAG9 Off-axis, using Orion StarShoot AutoGuider
Camera: Canon Digital Rebel T1i, Hap Griffin Baader modified
Filters: Astronomik CLS-CCD EOS Clip
Exposure: 142 x 90s @ ISO 800 (3hr. 33min.)
Acquisition: ImagesPlus 4.00 beta 1 Camera Control
Processing: ImagesPlus 3.80a – Calibrated, registered, min/max averaged, DDP
Post-processing: Adobe Photoshop CS4; Deep Sky Colors HLVG; Noise Ninja
Date(s): June 18 & 19, 2010
Temperature(s): N1:82ºF (dropped to 79ºF); N2:82ºF (dropped to 78ºF)
SQM reading (begin - end): N1:18.78 - clouds; N2:19.13 - 19.48
Moon data: N1: First Quarter - 49%(93º a/s); N2: Waxing Gibbous - 61%(79º a/s)