by Bob Franke
Taken on 4/7/2010 to 5/7/2010 in Chino Valley, AZ
RCOS 12.5" Ritchey-Chrétien w/ an SBIG STL-11000 camera using Astrodon G1 filters
Exposure Details:
Lum 345 min. (23 x 15 min)
RGB 270 min. ( 6 x 15 min)
North is to the top.
This interesting foursome is located in the constellation Bootes. The bottom two galaxies are NGC 5754, on the left, and NGC 5752. Gravitational interaction, between these two galaxies, has produced a long tidal tail extending from NGC 5752. The red shift for NGC5754 is 0.0152 and the value for NGC 5752 is 0.0151, putting the two galaxies at a distance of about 215 million light-years.
Moving up, we find NGC 5755 with NGC 5753 above and to the right. These two galaxies are in the background, at a distance of about 455 million light-years.