by Frank Garcia
Taken on 1-10-10 around 11:30pm (CST) in my backyard in Broussard, LA.
Nikon D60, 70-300mm zoom lens @ 300mm. On an EQ motorized mount, but for some reason the motor was giving me all kinds of problems causing the tracking to be off (it would speed way up or slow way down for no known reason)
I took a total of 30 photos, each at 30 seconds exposure lengths, but due to the motor problems I was only able to keep 6 of the best photos (a total of 3 minutes exposure time)...and even those weren't all that great. I had to call it quits when I saw that my camera was covered in ice due to the 23 degree cold...not to mention the fact that my hands were so numb I could barely press the button on the camera remote!!
The images were stacked in Registax 5, then processed with Photoshop CS2.