by Bob Franke
North is to the top
Located at the center of its parent emission nebula, IC 1805 (The Heart nebula), is the star cluster Melotte 15. Stellar winds and radiation, from the young hot massive stars in the cluster, form the nebula gasses into this beautiful tree like sculpture. IC 1805 is about 7,500 light years away, toward the constellation Cassiopeia. It is illuminated by Melotte 15, which is located about 50 light years closer.
Taken on 09/29/2009 to 10/23/2009 in Chino Valley, AZ
RCOS 12.5" Ritchey-Chrétien w/ an SBIG STL-11000 camera using Astrodon filters
RGB Exposure Details:
Lum 240 min. (8 x 30 min)
RGB 450 min. (5 x 30 min. each)