Tom Banton1

  • Member since April 2020
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7 Games to Add into Kitty's Playtime


Do you know that cats love their playtime as much as the dogs? While dogs are known for being rigorous play creatures, cats are also big fans of the games and playtimes. Cats are different than dogs and where a dog would love to run and romp around the entire place, cats like to play peacefully and without any ‘severe’ jumping involved. An ESA letter is the juridical document that differentiates in a befriend animal (ESA) from a general pet.


After getting an emotional support animal letter, the next thing that you must do is to arrange for some indoor games to keep your ESA kitty happy, engaged and active. Cats are comparatively more intelligent than dogs and need mental stimulation.



Below, we have listed some great indoor cat games that you could enjoy in your apartment.


  1. Interactive Goody Box Game


This game is one of the most affordable ones as you will not need to buy anything for it. All you will need is an old shoebox, some of your cat’s favorite toys and treats. To prepare the game box, you will need a craft knife to cut different holes in it. You can check an ESA letter for housing online before getting one for yourself.


After preparing the box, fill it with different items like cat toys, catnip, and her favorite treats and close and secure the lid with a piece of tape. Give the box to the kitty and see how she tries to work to get to the goodies in the box.


  1. Feather Wand and String Game


This game is perfect for high energy cats. To play the game, you can either buy a toy wand or make it yourself with a stick, a string and a feather. Prepare the stick by attaching the feather to the end of it with a string.


Once prepared, wave the DIY wand above your cat’s head and see how she jumps to catch it. Cats are fascinated by the flying birds and the fether mimics the same action.


  1. Hide and Seek


Quite a fun game to play with Kitty! This game is also ideal for cats with medium to high energy as it will involve some stalking and running around the place. Hide in places like under the sofa or bed, behind the door or inside your closet and see how your furry feline stalks and finds you. Your emotional support dog letter proves that if you’re suffering from emotional or mental disability then your ESA aids will treat that disability.


  1. Cat-Fishing


Cat-fishing involves playing with a toy or object that has a long bit of string attached to it. Toss the toy over the door and stand to another side of the door. Keep the toy high and out of the reach of your cat, enough to keep her excited to jump and reach for the toy. When she catches it, finally, treat her with her favorite treat so that she is excited to play the game again.

  1. Crumpled Paper


Looking for a fairly easy and simple game to play with your cat? A crumpled paper will do the trick. Just crumple a paper in your hand and roll it on the floor. Cats love the sound of the crumpling paper as well as the paper ball that you have made for her. Just keep the ball away after you are done playing if you do not want paper shreds on the floor.


  1. Fetch


Fetch is not for dogs only and cats enjoy it as much as them. You can play the game with your cat by tossing a catnip filled ball or toy across the floor. You will be delighted to see your cat following the ball and giving it a few adorable kicks. After some time, Kitty will bring the ball back to you but to reinforce it, you will have to encourage it with a lot of encouragement and treats.


  1. Tablet Games


Want to give a digital experience to Kitty? Tablet cat games are a new thing that you should include in your cat’s playtime. Some of the game apps that you can start with are Games for Cats, Friskies Jitterbug and Paint for Cats. many of the games are free but many have in-app charges that you will have to pay in case you want to upgrade.


Cats are intelligent creatures and while they do need loads of love and hugs, they also need mental and physical stimulation. By playing these games, you can give her lots of exercises and mental stimulation that will keep her mind sharp for long.



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