Tom Banton

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7 Things to Consider before Taking your ESA to your Dorm


Thinking to take your emotional support animal to your dorm? Think again. Emotional support animal is more than a pet and we know that you need your animal for mental and emotional support but, taking it everywhere may not be a good option. Young adults suffering from some form of emotional or mental disability often try to take the or emotional support animal with them to the dorm room. Dorm rooms a red different than houses and have a different environment that may not be suitable for an animal.


Besides a valid ESA letter for housing, there are some other things that you need to consider before taking your animal to the dorm.



Before bringing an animal to your dorm, consider the following things.


1.Know about the Requirements of your College


Does your College or university allow pets into the or premises? This is the very first thing that you must find out and consider. While there are many pet friendly colleges and universities that do allow pets and emotional support animals into the or dorms, there are many that do not like the idea.


Before doing anything, contact the student support body of your college and talk to them about your issue and need for an ESA. In colleges, usually, they have a separate union for students with disabilities, find out of your college also has one and if you are allowed to bring your pup or kitty along. Your emotional support animal letter proves that if you’re suffering from emotional or mental disability then your ESA aids will treat that disability.


  1. Decide the Type of Animal


Once you get a green signal from your college's authorities, it is time to think about the Type of emotional support animal that you'd like to live with. There are no hard and fast rules about the kind of animal that you can get as your ESA, there are some things that you must consider. First, you will need to ask the authorities about the kind of animal that you could bring and about the details that they want to see in your ESA letter.


Do it before applying for the letter so that you can guide your therapist about the details that he needs to put into the letter.


  1. Consider your Lifestyle


Student life is very different than the usual lifestyle. Students have a lot of things going on in their lives and this may leave limited time to give to your animal. Spring breaks, study tours, reading weeks, overlapping classes and a lot more, do you think you could take care of an animal with all this lifestyle?


You will have to arrange for its residence and look after whenever you are not around as you could not leave it without anyone looking after it. Pets and ESAs are living things and they come with loads of responsibility on your part. Letting your ESA dog sleep with you in your bed can be a lovely experience for both of you.


  1. Check with your Roommates


Is your roommate okay with it? Some people have animal related allergies because of which they could not stand an animal near it. Ask your roommate, or roommates, before bringing the animal if they are alright with it. If you are lucky, your roommates and dorm fellows Willie the idea and would even volunteer to pet sit in case you're haven't classes.


  1. Look at the Required Budget


Managing an animal is costly and it is even pricier when you are a student and have other expenses like college, tuition, mess and dorm. Does your budget allow you to have an additional responsibility? Animals need special food, vaccinations and regular visits to the veterinarian. If you think you can handle all this then its fine but if not, then we suggest that you let go of the idea.


  1. Space of the Dorm


Some animals could not live in small and congested spaces and you must realize that a dorm room is very different from a house. Cats and small dogs could manage but still, you will have to give them a small and dedicated space like a corner, do you think it will be possible for you? Animals like rabbits and birds will not be a good choice for a dorm room but you can keep a small fish bowl if you like.  You can check an ESA letter online before getting one for yourself.


  1. Waste Disposal Method


Probably the biggest question when moving into the dorm with an ESA, how will you manage the waste disposal? Dogs need regular morning and evening walks to relieve themselves and if you have a puppy, then these walks will be more frequent. Will you be able to take your dog out or clean the litterbox of your cat regularly? Answer the question carefully.


Living with an animal has a lot of responsibility. They need your attention and proper care and if you cannot do it then you must leave the idea alone.



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