Karen Collins

  • Member since October 2017
  • From Chandigarh, India
  • 0 contributed posts
About Karen Collins

This is karen Collins from United States of America but now shifted to India for igniting my carrer. I am 28 years old professionally associated with an Information Technology company. Being working with indian web developers, I found my job is very challening as Indian web developers are very talented as compare to any other developer from western country. As the microsoft CEO said the Indian always want to be ahead in every field and this is what makes them more skillful. However, I spent a really good time with my Indian colleagues as they are helpful and very entertaining.

Profile Details
Birthday: 27-09-1986
Department: Information Technology
Education: MCA
Email: karencollins24@tutanota.com
Full Location: United States of America
Full Name: karen Collins
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Coding
Language: English
Location: Chandigarh, India
Occupation: Web Developer
Office: Chandigarh
Title: Senior Web Developer
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